Category: VMware

5th February 2015 · Luca Sturlese

Once I built my ESXi 5.5 hosts in my test lab and added them to my vCenter environment, they both had a yellow warning prompt stating: “No coredump target has been configured. Host core dumps cannot be saved”

The good news is I was able to fix this, so I thought to document the solution in case anyone else has the same issue. All the details are below…

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3rd February 2015 · Luca Sturlese

I wanted to upgrade the memory on my vSphere 5.1 vCenter server to 16GB and I didn’t have hot-add enabled. I powered off the VM, connected directly to the host and re-configured the VM as required and then clicked OK.

At this point, I got an error saying “Access to resource settings on the host is restricted to the server that is managing it: X.X.X.X”.

The host things it is still being managed by vCenter so it won’t let me edit the VM. vCenter server is powered off so that I can edit the VM (as hot-add is not enabled the VM has to be powered off to change the memory amount).

This is how to fix this issue…..

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16th November 2014 · Luca Sturlese
Important Update

As of September 2015, I have released version 2 of my PowerCLI Script Template, which includes a number of improvements over this version, in particular the use of the new PSLogging PowerShell module that significantly improves the creation and management of log files. This version of the template is no longer supported or maintained, so please upgrade to the new version today!

Version 2 of the template is available here – PowerCLI Script Template v2.

A while a go I posted up my PowerShell Script Template which turned out to be pretty popular with fellow PowerShellers.

I recently create another slightly modified template when working with PowerCLI, so I thought I would share it here. Here is my PowerCLI Script Template to be used for all your VMware scripts…

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