Category: Windows Admin

18th September 2014 · Luca Sturlese

This is a quick article on how to send an email with PowerShell. The way I have done this is that I have created a Send-Email PowerShell function which can then be added to your function library and dot sourced in your PowerShell scripts.

Alternatively you could just copy paste this function directly into your script and call it from there. Either way, it is simple and it works. Plus you can send both plain-text and HTML emails. So here it is…

Read More “How To – Send an email with PowerShell”

10th July 2013 · Luca Sturlese

Recently I was asked to disable the “Do you want to open this file?” or “Do you want to open or save this file?” prompt in Internet Explorer for all InfoPath Template files (.xsn). Let me tell you it wasn’t easy to workout the solution, even though the actual solution is pretty easy.

Read More “Internet Explorer: Disable “Do you want to open or save this file?” download prompt”