PowerShell Encryption Function Library

Hi All,

About a year ago I had a requirement to securely store a few passwords that would then be used to run a PowerShell script. At the time, I thought it would be a good idea to create another one of my PowerShell Function Libraries, such as my PowerShell Logging Function Library.

This article documents my solution and the end product: PowerShell Encryption Function Library….

High-level Overview:

The PowerShell Encryption Function Library includes 3 functions which do the following:

  1. Set-EncryptionKey: Used to create a key which is used to encrypt and decrypt the data
  2. Encrypt-Data: Encrypt data using the specified encryption key
  3. Decrypt-Data: Decrypts data using the specified encryption key

Instead of explaining the details of the function library line by line, I would rather just provide you with the entire PowerShell Encryption Function Library, and then explain how to use it. I will then use the PowerShell Encryption Function Library in an example. Finally, I will go through a few use cases of where you can expect to require these functions.

The Code – PowerShell Encryption Function Library:

Below is the complete encryption function library….

Installation Instructions:

To use the PowerShell Encryption Function Library in your script, complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the code above and save it in a new .ps1 file called Encryption_Functions.ps1. Alternatively you can download the file from here: PowerShell Encryption Function Library
  2. Copy the file and store it in a central location that everyone has access to (Note: This is very important otherwise your script will fail if the account running the script doesn’t have access to the function library)
  3. In your script dot source the Encryption_Functions.ps1 file. You should do this at the top of your PowerShell script and it should look something like this:
    . "C:\Scripts\Functions\Encryption_Functions.ps1"
  4. Call the relevant functions as required (see the example below on how to do this)
  5. Enjoy 🙂

Example Script:

If you are wondering exactly how to be able to use the PowerShell Encryption Function Library, then have a look at the example below. If you are still unsure, then shoot me an email or use the comments below.

# This script shows you how to use the PowerShell Encryption Function Library.
# Simply, it prompts the user for some credentials and then encrypts then using
# the Encrypt-Data function. The script will then decrypt the same credentials
# using the Decrypt-Data function. Finally the script will return the plain-text
# password to the user.
# More Info: https://9to5it.com/powershell-encryption-function-library

. "C:\Scripts\Functions\Encryption_Functions.ps1"


#Set your encrytion key - needs to be between 16 and 32 characters in length
$PlainKey = "KNHAL97Z12LQJ0ZR8K7MSADU820S4VHJ"

#Get Credentials to encrypt and then decryption
$Cred = Get-Credential


#Step 1: Convert plain-text encryption key to bytes
$EncryptKey = Set-EncryptKey -Key $PlainKey

Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

#Step 2: Encrypt data calling PowerShell Function
$EncryptedData = Encrypt-Data -SecureString $Cred.Password -EncryptKey $EncryptKey


#Step 1: Convert plain-text decryption key to bytes
$DecryptKey = Set-EncryptKey -Key $PlainKey

Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

#Step 2: Decrypt data calling PowerShell Function
$PlainText = Decrypt-Data -Data $EncryptedData -DecryptKey $DecryptKey -ConvertToPlainText $True

Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

#Step 3: Output results
write-host "Password = $PlainText"

Use Cases:

There could be many different use cases for the PowerShell Encryption Function Library. Below are a few that I can think of (if you can think of any more then let me know in the comments below):

  • Running scripts against non-domain joined (or untrusted domain joined) machines – e.g. DMZ Servers
  • Collecting sensitive data and storing it in a potentially vulnerable (or easily accessible) location – e.g. File Share
  • Password encryption, password encryption, password encryption. OK – this is the same as the first point, but I would say this would be the biggest use case – hence mentioning it twice

Final Comments:

Hopefully my PowerShell Encryption Function Library has made it substantially easier to encrypt and decrypt data when and if required.

Finally, I would like to say that I didn’t invent the entire solution myself – at the time (about 1 year ago now) I did some research online and found many of the components that I put together to produce the PowerShell Encryption Function Library. To all of the people that helped me (sorry I don’t know who you are exactly), I say thank you!

If you are still unsure of how to use these functions, then send me an email or leave me a comment and I will endeavour to help you as much as I can – as per usual.


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